Roundoff News

Ondo State 2023:Governor Akeredolu Again Reiterates Level-Playing Ground Primaries for All Aspirants

By Roundoffnews

It would be recalled that the Governor of Ondo State, His Excellency, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN at a meeting in Cocoa Hall, Governor’s Office, Akure had called on all National and State Assembly aspirants from the State to discuss a way forward in ensuring APC win across the State. The Party Chairman, Engr. Ade Adetimehin reiterated this in that meeting.

The Governor who had assured aspirants to provide a level-playing field advised that they do not have to all enter into the race in such a large number. He however called for negotiation and consideration of consensus where applicable.

In another strategic meeting with the State Working Committee, Party Leaders and Stakeholders, the Governor alongside the State Party Chairman after deliberation had thrown open some Senatorial Districts, Federal and State Constituencies for a contest among the aspirants.

At the meeting, the Governor mandated that a very transparent and fair Primaries be conducted owing to the fact that a consensus could not be reached in the aforementioned Senatorial districts, Federal and State Constituencies. He urged all party delegates to exercise their franchise and present the best candidate and party flagbearer at the polls.

The Districts and Constituencies opened for contest are;
1 Ondo Central

  1. Ondo South Senatorial districts
  2. Ileoluji/Okeigbo & Odigbo Federal Constituency
  3. Irele/Okitipupa Federal Constituency
  4. Ile-oluji/Okeigbo Constituency, State House of Assembly.
  5. Odigbo Constituency 1, State House of Assembly.
  6. Akure South Constituency 1, State House of Assembly.

On this note, it is now imperative to call the attention of all party leaders and stakeholders in the state to adhere to Mr. Governor’s decision and charge our delegates to act in the interest of the party so that credible aspirants who will win for the party in the general election can emerge.

Governor Akeredolu is known for his fearless stances and “Talk and Do” beliefs. He has repeatedly called for fairness, equity and justice for all interests even beyond the shore of Ondo State. It is consequently believed that Mr Governor’s decisions shall be strictly followed by the party leadership in the State and unarguably gives room for a level-plain ground contrary to the imposition rumours in some baseless quarters.

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