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National honour;: NUJ Zone B felicitates Isiguzo

The Nigeria Unoin of Journalists (NUJ) Zone B has felicitated the National President of the Union, Chief Chris Isiguzo, who was befittingly conferred with a National Honour of MFR with other distinguished Nigerians who have made the nation proud with their Sterling contributions to it’s growth and development.

The NUJ Zone B noted that the honour conferred on Chief Isiguzo is a well deserved one in recognition of his meritorious services to nation building as number one journalist in Nigeria, also as President of Congress of Africa Journalists, who has distinguished himself in practising the profession.

A statement made available to newsmen in Ado-Ekiti, signed by the Vice-President of the zone, Comrade Ronke Samo, describes lsiguzo as a journalist with the touch of gold, versatile and highly disciplined on the job.
The statement reads in part: “We celebrate our President, comrade of note and leader per excellence, Chief Chris Isiguzo and congratulate him on the National Award he received, alongside other eminent Nigerians, from the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mohammadu Buhari,in recognition of their sterling contributions to the growth and development of our nation.

“While we recognize the honour as a befitting one, given the fact that the NUJ National President has , over the time, proved to be a unique journalist, sound and disciplined, accommodating and a great leader , whose exemplary leadership has taken our great Union to greater heights in the past few years, we equally appreciate the gesture from the President, and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Alh. Mohammadu Buhari for recognizing the meritorious and sacrificial services of the number one Juoirnalist by decorating him accordingly.

“This indeed, is a welcome development and will go a long way in encouraging other Nigerians, particularly those of the pen profession, to aspire more than ever before, to contribute their quota to the nation’s growth and development in their various fields of humans endeavour.

In this light, we therefore, congratulate our dear President Mohammadu Buhari, our NUJ National Boss and other distinguished Nigerians who were deservedly honoured ” Samo said..

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