Roundoff News

Hoodlums Attack Doctors at EKSUTH, Steal Corpse

….doctors declare immediate Strike, demand arrest of culprit

Report reaching says some suspected hoodlums on Monday invaded the Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti and attacked some doctors.

In addition, the hoodlums destroyed some facilities at the hospital and stole a Corpse suspected to be the father of one of the hoodlums.

At the moment, the Association of Resident Doctors, Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado-Ekiti has directed his members to embark on indefinite strike with immediate effect.

This is contained in a letter addressed to the Chief Medical Director, Professor Kayode Olabanji and signed by the President of the Association, Dr. Famous Adeyemi.

The letter read:”The above named association write to notify you of the decision of the Emergency Congress held today embark on an indefinite strike with immediate effect.

“This is followed the actions of hoodlums who stormed the Accident and Emergency unit of the Hospital in the early hours of today and assaulted some members of the Association, destroyed several hospital equipments, properties and stole a Corpse during the attack

“This attack is happening at the time when our members are showing understanding with the State Government on the now-implementation of our demands on improved welfare vis-a-vis being faced with work overloed and exhaustion which is as a result of poor remuneration, pay dispanty and the attending effect of local brain drain

“We wish to use this assense to call on the management of the Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital (EKSU(TH) and the Executive Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Biodun Abayomi to apprehend the culprits and bring them to justice for their actions

“We also implore the State Government to as a matter of urgency attends to our pending demands which bother on improved welfare of our members We implore the management and the Government to provide a lasting solution to these incessam

“The strike will not be called off until our demands are me ARD

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