Roundoff News


 It is only the blessings of God that adds no sorrow. So far we are meant to experience the goodness of

God, we need to assess ourselves and the level of our faithfulness to God. The goodness of God is not meant for the wicked,why? Whosoever is not faithful in little things cannot be entrusted with what is greater. Everyone in as much as we are alive have been invested with grace. How have you been using this great gift of grace God has given unto you? The bible in the gospel of John 3:27 says ” A man can receive nothing, except it be given from heaven” whatever God has given us and is not faithfully used can never prosper (increase).
What do you lack and where do you lack? Do you know that the level of our unfaithfulness depicts the depth of our lack? Of course whatsoever a man sows shall he reap. This is the reason the bible in the gospel of Luke 16:10 says “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much;and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much”. How many of us are honest in our dealings with others? Yet,we want God to facilitate virtues and riches unto us! Do you know who God has sent to you to bless you in life? Nothing dignifies a man than faithfulness. It distinguishes one for grace and promotion. Do you stand by your words in marriage, social commitment, workplace, friendship, etc?. Unfaithfulness is a great hindrance to assessing God’s goodness.
A faithful man is a greatful man. A good number of people take several helps for granted. They forget the days of little beginnings. Most people become ingrates just because they do not appreciate the impacts of assistance given to them by others. Little do they realise that such helps are part of the mortar that formed their bricks. What is your present status in the good things of life? Can you look back and see where you went wrong?. It is high time you realised there is virtue in honesty, faithfulness, gratitude and preservance. The bible in the book of proverbs 28:20 says ” A faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent”. Invariably, whether you like it or not, you have a major role to play in facilitating, the goodness of God upon your life. You are the first determinant. The decision is yours about the route you want to ply in a trickery world!
Why do famous families go into oblivion?. Why do rich people end up in penury? Don’t let me ask too many questions. The source and foundations determine the result and effect. Why do poor families become wealthy? Why do we hear the names of wretched offsprings in high places? The bible in Proverbs 13:11 says “wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathered by labour shall increase”. This is why 1 Corinthians 4:2 says ” moreover it is required in standards, that a man be found faithful.
God bless. Shalom.

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