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Ekiti TUC Hails Appointment of Dr. Olomojobi as HOS

The Chairman of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Ekiti State chapter, Comrade Sola Adigun says the appointment of Dr. Folake Olomojobi as the new Head of Civil Service is a significant intervention to reposition the civil service for optimal performance.

In a congratulatory message personally signed by him, Comrade Adigun noted that Dr. Olomojobi’s appointment was a well-deserved recognition of her hard work, dedication, and commitment to the development of the state’s civil service.

Comrade Sola Adigun who also doubled as the Chairman of the Academic staff Union of Secondary Schools ASUSS in Ekiti State, pointed out that her wealth of experience and expertise in governance and administration were significant asset to the state, with assurance that her appointment would usher in a new era of cooperation and progress between the government and the civil service.

“Your wealth of experience and expertise in governance and administration are a significant asset to the state, and we are confident that your appointment will usher in a remarkable era for civil servants and the public service at large. Your commitment to excellence and your ability to inspire and motivate teams will undoubtedly lead to improved service delivery, enhanced productivity, and a more efficient civil service.” The message read.

He praised Dr. Olomojobi’s commitment to the welfare and well-being of workers, saying “She has always been a strong advocate for the rights and interests of workers, and we are confident that she will bring her expertise and experience to bear in her new role.”

The Labour leader also commended Governor Biodun Oyebanji for beaming his search light on a more youthful professional into the office of the Head of Service, believing that her youthfulness and energy would be an advantage into provide the required leadership for the Ekiti civil service.

Comrade Adigun prayed the almighty God to grant the new permanent secretary wisdom, good health and the grace of accomplishments for her tenure to mark remarkable impact in the state’s civil service and the individual libe of the workers.

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