Roundoff News


Ahead of the State Delegate Conference of the Nigeria Labour Congress in Ekiti State, various contestants and their union leaders have signed an agreement to shun any act that could lead to violence during the election.

The exercise is scheduled for Tuesday, the 7th of March, 2023.

The peace accord is sequel to insinuations that the election may generate crisis considering the desperate moves of some contestants.

The agreement reads:We the undersigned  candidates of the under-listed unions contesting  the NUJ forthcoming election in December 2022 hereby commit ourselves and our followers to the following;

Agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the election and take proactive measures to prevent electoral violence before, during and after the exercise.

That we shall cooperate with the leaders of the union and the electoral committee to guarantee hitch free exercise.

That we shall in good faith accept the result of the election without resulting to violence and gangsterism

That we are determined to avoid any conduct or behaviour that will endanger the political stability of Ogun Council.

That we agreed to run issued-based campaigns, refrain from campaigns that will involve religious incitement, ethnic or tribal profiling, both by ourselves and by all agents acting in our names.

Addressing the contestants, the chairperson, Electoral Committee, Comrade Roseline Davis appreciated the contestants with a promise that the committee will be fair to all.

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