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The Ekiti State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) has felicitated Muslims in the State for witnessing this year’s Eid Al-Kabir.

The Union, in a statement signed by its Chairman, Comrade Kayode Babatuyi and the Secretary, O’Seun Ogunsakin, said Muslims must not forget the lessons of sacrifice and dedication which typify the season.

The umbrella body of Journalists in the State stressed the need to emulate Prophet Ibrahim who was to sacrifice his son in obedience to the command of Allah.

The Union urged its members who are Muslim faithful not to be carried away by the celebration but must extend love to the weak and less privileged during the festive season.

While urging Nigerians to continue to make the needed sacrifice for the country, with the optimism that the country is heading to the path of greatness, the Union called on the government to review its economic policies in the interest of the common man.

The State Council noted that citizens are more likely to cooperate to promote national interest when government policies prioritises citizens welfare.

O’Seun Ogunsakin
Secretary NUJ Ekiti State Council

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