Roundoff News

Nigeria @62: Our independence, their independence and class struggle

By Gbenga Olowoyo fcia fipma JP


“Colonialism bred an innate arrogance, but when you undertake that sort of imperial adventure, that arrogance gives way to a feeling of accommodativeness. You take pride in your openness.”
-Wole Soyinka

The deepest thought about Nigeria will provoke different issues and different narratives that will call for discussion to actually bring us back to our senses and further ask a question is Nigeria a country of our dream?

Let us flash back on Nigeria history: Nigeria was occupied as early as 1100 BC by different trading settlers across the Middle East and Africa

Innumerable numbers of ancient African civilizations found their ways to different regions now known as Nigeria today: e.g kingdom of Nri, The Benin empire and the Oyo empire.

Painfully, in 15th century , European slave traders inrolled in the region to purchase and enslaved Africans.

The first Nigeria port used by European slave traders was Badagry, a coaster terrain with the connivance of local slave traders , this provoked conflicts among ethnic groups in the region.

It is an historical fact that Lagos was occupied by British forces in 1851 and was annexed by the British in the year 1865, thereafter Nigeria became a British protectorate in 1901. The Southern and Northern protectorates were consummated and eventually amalgamated in 1914. The period of British rule lasted till 1960 when nationalist movement led Nigeria to independence

Nigeria first became Republic in 1963 but military adventurers did not allow it to last more than three years when a bloody coup was staged.

Journey to independence

The journey to independence Nigeria was not achieved on the platter of gold because so many processes were involved.

However, the activities of a young man, 21years old then was noticable i.e Chief Anthony Eromosele Enahoro, a foremost anti Colonial and pro democracy activist.

In 1953 , Anthony Enahoro first moved the motion for Nigeria independence which was eventually granted in 1960.

There is no gainsaying in the fact that the motion for independence moved by Anthony Eromosele Enahoro suffered different political setbacks and frustrations.

However, for the purpose of historical accuracy different pressures were mounted for independence after persistent motion moved by Enahoro; S.L Akintola revisited the motion in 1957, Remi Fani Kayode revisited the motion in August 1958 the same motion was presented by Sir Tafawa Balewa in 1959 and it was passed like previous ones but for undaunted pressures from all angles by nationalist movements and self independence agitators British government granted Nigeria independence on 1st October , 1960.

It is very unimaginable that between 1857 and 1963 with the arrowing experience undergone by African countries to gain independence, from colonial powers like Great Britain , Belgium, Spain, France United States, Portugal, Netherlands, the pain was better imagined than being described. Britain was the longest serving colonial masters because it started colonising nations from 1583.

Nigeria independence was envisaged by our fore nationalists to bring about egalitarian society where there will be self reliance, independence of actions, growth, economic, political and cultural independence.

Our independence was to promote self confidence and esteem as a true Nigerian where we will have trust in our capabilities and skills and attain greatness through hardwork and truthfulness but the reverse is the case in the present day Nigeria where youths are not only gainfully unemployed but they are not also optimally engaged with 85% of youth unemployment ratio which is the highest around the world .

The independence Nigeria was to promote happy mood and reduce stress, the emotional stability of independence country was supposed to be guaranteed. The present economic situation has increased the stress proficiency of Nigerans “the better we are, at addressing our own stresses that can empower us and being empowered , it should give us back, that control, the more we can focus on the things we can control, the better we can handle our stress.

Our independence was to enhance our quality decision making ability. The elected leaders still take teleguuded decisions that can not impact positively to the well being of the citizens . In most cases, the character inbuilt of a leader has ripple effects on the citizenry.

Why should leader take reactionary decision when there are opportunities to embark on situation analysis that will help take proactive decisions. Thousands of decisions of government are not beneficial and relevant to country economy and immediate needs of the citizenry . Can we then say we have attained independence?

Our independence was envisaged to promote egalitarian society where everybody will have sense of belonging and ability to care for oneself; emotionally, physically and financially these were to increase happiness, sense of purpose and life satisfaction but thinking faculty have been subjugated by hardship and economic enslavement. Leaders are not thinking well again because they have access to cheap wealth and they always operate from comfort zone while citizens have been impoverished and dumped into the gallow of poverty

Independence is expected to allow citizens to achieve whatever they want with the opening up of so many opportunities but in Nigeria the government policies are factors that kill potentials. The policies of government emasculate promotion of small scale industries which show that our independence is still promoting foreign businesses in connivance with the neo-colonialists in our midst.

On the other hand, their own independence is characterized by class mentality and the class struggle is synonymous with class society which today is the reality of the Nigeria social economic environment and policy directions.

The Marxist explanation of class has revealed that a given sociological reality leading to better understanding that, class struggles are intertwined.

Class is a source of social inequality, revolutionary enterprise which has further paved way for division along the lines of Gender, race sexuality, language, religion, nationality, ethnicity, these are the strong point of indices the political class are using to pursue their narrow minded interest in an independent country Nigeria

Class struggle is always a political and ideological struggle and the trajectory of class struggle in recent time is dependent on the capacity and conscientiousness of the progressive social forces which have been used by different political class to exploit , dupe and impoverished us to the marrow.

Peter Mbah of the Political Science university of Nigeria Nsukka posited that “class struggle as a social reality of Nigeria economic development is here construed from three points of view: the past transformation of Nigeria from pro-capitalist modes to the present neocolonial capitalist system has empirically involved class struggles

Secondly, the current demand in the forms of workers protests for improved economic wellbeing in the country is a manifestation of class struggle.

Thirdly, the nature of class struggle in Nigeria is not merely incidental and epiphenomenal to economic development but central and decisive…the various nationwide protests and demonstrations occasioned by economic and political hardship represent revolutionary pressures on the Nigeria state”

As a matter of reality, class struggle is multidimensional, historical and processual rather than static, narrow and mechanical. The common experiences of real people takes place in historical time with hindsight, therefore, the understanding of class struggle is dynamic in structure.

To fast forward the complexity of class struggle, let us explain it further in this form , the bourgeoisie, the owners of the means to produce and appropriate wealth is the class in power. The working class people that constitute 99% are the actual producer of the wealth but they are regarded as surbordinate . How do we rationalize this in Nigeria context?

How best to manage our independence is the onerous task that must be done by all stakeholders in the Nigeria project so as to actually benefit from the essence of independence. The feelings of inequality can spark up untoward development in no distant time if not quickly addressed.

To move this country forward , in order to attain economic independence, the sustainable development plan must be developed and legislated upon so that it becomes rolling plan industrial, infrastructural and development Policy of the country which successive government can make use of without taking us back to the trenches

We must re-appraise the type of leader we want as a country, social researchers have revealed that the fundamental problem of Nigeria is leadership. All over the world , Leadership played key role in determining the greatness of countries based on their quality and visionary decisions. Nigeria must move away from pseudo-country of the world and giant of Africa on paper.

The country must equally depart from the path unpatriotism and disloyalty to the system; it is unpatriotic not to honour agreement and be insensitive to the yearnings and aspirations of the citizens, in order to build trust and confidence in the leadership , the led must feel the impact of the system positively.

Our independence must be seen as a collective pride and all features attached to true independence of a country must be seen, not their independence that takes serious cognizance of their interest alone .

At 62nd independence anniversary, Nigeria is still groping in the dark, after consistent democratic government since 1999 till date, we must get It right.

Any responsible government must be pro humanity, proactive, sensitive, alive to its responsibilities, must not play politics with people’s lives, future and aspirations, must have feelings of human beings must not run governance with lies and propaganda.

As part of Civic responsibility of citizens we must be passionately interested and involved in political engineering in the country come 2023 with clear and visionary mindset for a better and peaceful country.


Let us build this country on the sound footing level of egalitarian society with equal rights, fairness and justice to all.

Peace shall return to Nigeria

Comrade Gbenga Olowoyo fcia fipma JP, Trade Unionist and industrial relations practitioner ,

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