Roundoff News

The theatre of the absurd and Nigeria policy absurdities- Groaning Masses at the receiving end

By Comrade Gbenga Olowoyo fcia fipma JP

If we are true to ourselves,we can not be false to anyone

  • William Shakespeare

The situation of things generally in Nigeria have reached crescendo of realities, sorrounded with unabated growing day by day, week by week and month by month sufferings by Nigerians of all age groups, due to trial and error policy formulations and implementations by both past and present administrations in Nigeria

The situation in Nigeria of today is likened to the theatre of the absurd; the morality plays of the middle Ages, the theatre of the absurd dealt with common Man struggle , allegorical and existential problems; during Elizabethan period , John Webster, Cyril tourner and Jacob Bierderman pictured the world as mythological archetype, the scenarios have been depicted with the current perennial hardships Nigerians of all strata are undergoing.

Theatre of the absurd

In 19th century, Ibsen and Strindberg included some elements of absurd theater in their plays, but real precursor of the present Theater of Absurd is Alfred Jerry‘s monstrous puppet play Ubu Roi (1896). A glimpse of Theater of Absurd can be seen in the dream novels of James Joyce, Franz Kafka who created archetype by delving deep into their own consciousness and attempting to explore the universe.

As a matter of fact, World War II finally brought the Theater of Absurd to life because of the chaotic atmosphere during that time which compelled them to think about their absurd existence.

What is Theatre of the Absurd?

The Theatre of the Absurd is a term coined by Critic Martin Esslin in his essay “Theatre of the Absurd.” The term is used for the work of a number of playwrights, mostly written in the 1950s and 1960s, which were written by a number of primarily European playwrights in the late 1950s. Their work simply expressed the thought of human existence that has no meaning or purpose. If a trouble comes, some logic is given on a matter, it simply makes the situation worse and further leads to silence as it is in Nigeria today because of the worst experience in Oil and Gas sector of our economy.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary which defines the term as ‘Theater that seeks to represent the absurdity of human existence in a meaningless universe by bizarre or fantastic means.’

Theater of absurd illustrates the philosophy of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sysiphus that speaks of life with no inherent meaning in it. For him, world was beyond the understanding of man, so it will always remain absurd and we should accept this fact.

Besides these, other playwrights like Tom Stoppard, Arthur Kopit, Friedrich Durrenmatt, Fernando Arrabal, Edward Albee, N.E Simpson, Boris Vian, Peter Weiss, Vaclav Havel, and Jean Tardieu were also associated with this theatre. These playwrights formally grouped under the label of the absurd attempted to convey their sense of bewilderment, anxiety, and wonder before the inexplicable universe.

Absurd plays raise some basic questions of existence like- why we are alive why we have to die and why there is injustice and suffering,distrust, Illogical ,rationalist thought.

It is on strength of this literary inference that l take a critical cursory look at the various policy of past and present governments ranging from lack of institutionalised policies which has not allowed for sustainable industrial and infrastructural developments in the country and the Presidential pronouncement made on the 29th of May 2023 at the Eagle Square by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu that “Fuel Subsidy is gone” and the indescribable and unquantifiable consequences of the pronouncement on the Nigerian Masses.

It is an established fact that , no matter how beautiful government policy could be, once the cart is put before the horse, all what follows will be a damage control, whereas , the consequences would have been averted not to destroy so many things or inflict pains on the masses

It is unfortunate that Federal Government could postulate various palliatives to mitigate the consequences of the Fuel Subsidy removal without wider consultations with relevant stakeholders before threading to dance naked in the market place by telling Nigerians that 12 million poorest of the poor household ( of five family members or more ) will be given N8,000 for six months only ( although , Mr President has called for review of the money) in the present economic reality in Nigeria where one module of rice is N1,400, one module of beans is N1,100, soup Ingredients are out of reach, transportation cost is out of reach while a litre of fuel ranges from N617.00 to N750,00 depending on where you are buying the Premium Motor Spirit (PMS)

The present state of hardship is worst than war zone, can we imagine a situation where workers are directed to work for two days in a week by different organisations and State Governments because of the serious attendant effects of fuel price hike.

With the present situation of things in Nigeria , how do we measure our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) when our productivity index is being threatened by our working days and hours. Is Nigeria a banana republic? We need to think deeply over this sensitive matter.

For instance, in a statement issued by the National President of The College of Education Academic Staff Union, Dr Sam Olugbeko, after the extral ordinary meeting of the Union read inter alia, “The implementation of the removal of fuel subsidy by the Federal Government two months ago raised the price of a litre of petrol by 250%.

“This worsened the inflationary rate on the cost of transportation, food, and other essential commodities and impoverished the Nigerian people.

“Workers, including staff of Colleges of Education, kept faith with the government and chose to endure the untold hardship thinking it would be only for a while as the government promised to roll out palliative measures including a significant increase in salaries.

“Alas! While our capabilities to sustain hope were already exhausted, the price of petrol rose further to N650 per litre. Now, the leadership of the Union has been inundated by members’ complaints that they could no longer go to work as a result of a hike in the price of petrol and the resultant high cost of transportation.

“Against this backdrop, it has become inevitable for the Union to direct members to go to work only two days weekly while an emergency NEC meeting shall be convened to ratify this decision and decide on the specific days of the week members are to go to work.

“The present salary of staff of Colleges of Education was approved in the year 2010 – 13 years ago! This means we have been on the same salary since 2010 while petrol prices rose intermittently from N65/N70 in 2010 to N650 in 2023 (tenfold increase).

“Our salary structure which is subject to renegotiation at 3-year intervals has remained static for 13 years, skipping four due renegotiations.

“It is ludicrous that the government has refused to return to the negotiation table on the welfare package for staff after the Union, prior to the removal of the fuel subsidy, had proposed a 200% increase in salary as against the government’s offer of a ridiculous 35% for Chief Lecturers and 23% for other cadres.”

There are growing disquietness across the 36 states of the country and Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory due to the hardship which is biting harder everywhere:workers, Masses , students, Artisans have resorted to trekking to their different destinations.

Nigerians are wailing and agonizing as the economic hardship is telling on their survival.

How will Nigerians describe the recently announced increment in the tuition of Federal unity schools from N40,000 to whooping N100,000 by next school session , in the same vein, university of Lagos has equally increased its tuition fees from N19,000 to outrageous N190, 250.?

What is actually happening to Nigeria as a country; as things are falling apart why Central seems not to be holding. ?

To attest to above assertion, the Organized LabNiger in Ondo State issued a statement on 19th July, 2023, st the Labour House in Akure stating as follows: that the Organized Labour in Ondo State comprising NLC/TUC/JNC rose from an emergency meeting held on 19th July, 2023 seriously perturbed by the insensitive increase in the pump price of petroleum product in the country weeks after a similar exercise without any attendant palliative measures to the already pauperized workers and masses of our country.

The Organized Labour in the State consequently join our well-meaning Nigerians to condemn in strong terms this wicked action of government as it is absolutely beyond the reach of the majority of our people.

The meeting resolved that Ondo State Government as a matter of urgency should roll out palliatnves for the workers and masses of the State to ease the agonies inflicted as a result of the hike in price of PMS.

All outstanding salaries and allowances owed the workers of the State should be paid immediately.

Any committee on palliatives set up by the State Government without the input of Ondo State Organized Labour would be outrightly rejected.

“The meeting however, sympathized with the workers and masses of our dear State and call for calm and await further directive while awaiting the outcome of our national body as the leadership will leave no stone unturned to secure a better deal for all In this time of distress.”

The statement was signed by the following Chairmen Comrades Amoko Victor Oladele, NLC Clement Fatuase TUC and Olapade Ademola Adeniji JNC also the Secretaries : Comrades Akin, Sunday NLC, Gideon Bakare TUC and Akinkeye Foluke Esther JNC.

Honestly, without mincing words, the economic indices are nose diving, the purchasing power is zero, the inflationary rate is alrming while Federal Government refuses to listen to voice of reason that the reactivation of our moribund refineries should be brought back instead of shading shadow of importation of fuel which will continue to put pressure on our currency as a result of foreign exchange

At the second meeting of the National Economic Council held on Thursday 20th July 2023 no discussion on the refineries, rather, it was regular resolutions that were issued apart from the Establishment of Infrastructure Support Fund for States.

Other resolutions include;

  1. Negotiate a new minimum wage for workers.
  2. Each state should plan towards implementing a cash transfer programme based on the social register of the state.
  3. Cash Award Policy for Public Servants for six 6 months.
  4. State Governments to pay Public Servants outstanding liabilities.
  5. Govt should begin to fund MSME with single digit interest rates.
  6. Immediate implementation of the energy transition plan which means transiting from fossil fuels vehicles to CNG.

It is unfortunate that, National Economic Council ( NEC) could not even discuss matters affecting the existing moribund refineries in Nigeria rather , Federal Government is well dispose to grant licence for the impotation of fuel. What a country!!!

However, the Civil Societies Coalition on Thursday gave Federal Government 7 days to reverse its decision on Fuel hike which has brought unprecedented hardship to innocent Nigerians or be ready to face mass protest .

The group warns that failure of the government to roll out palliative capable of cushioning effect of fuel subsidy within the expiration of 7 day ultimatum, they will mobilize Nigerians for mass protest that will be worse than ENDSARS protest .

Addressing journalists at a press conference held at Correspondent Chapel of Nigerian Union of journalists NUJ at Olaiya in Osogbo Osun state capital, Comrade Waheed Lawal, Chairman of Osun Civil Society Coalition OCSC lamented the suffering of Nigerians occasioned by the recent hike on petroleum..

He said the #30,000 minimum wage by 35.5 percent by the estimation of National Bureau of Statistics has widened the poverty net with over five million people in 2022 .

While lamenting on the hike in transportation across the country the current economic realities have sparked calls for the government to ease the nation’s cost of living crises and suspend fuel hike for interest of the poor masses .

Without intent of threat, we want to state categorically that failure to address issued raised, we shall be leading the people out on the street for a protest and nothing shall deter us till we achieve victory since that seems to be one language that government understand “.

Voice of reason

The voice of reason which has continue to ring serious bell is contained in a statement issued by the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria, IPMAN, who urged President Bola Tinubu to declare a state of emergence on the country’s refineries.

IPMAN Chairman in Rivers State, Dr Joseph Obele, made the call against the backdrop of the hike of the pump price of Premium Motor Spirit, PMS, also known as petrol.

He declared that “Our solution is fixing Nigeria’s refineries. Mr President should declare a state of emergency on Nigeria refineries.”

Flowing from the above, l hereby implore Federal Government to be sincere enough with strong political will and bring life back to the four non functional existing Federal Government refineries in Nigeria as stated below which is the only lasting solution to the problem bedeviling the country and the groaning Masses:

Old Port Harcourt Refinery; capacity bpsd commissioned in 1965.

Refining and Petrochemical Company; capacity 125,000 bpsd commissioned in 1978.

Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company; capacity 110,000 bpsd commissioned in 1980.

New Port Harcourt Refinery; capacity 150,000 bpsd commissioned in 1989.

It is a statement of fact that no amount of palliatives can mitigate this hardship except there is concerted efforts to bring back our refineries.

Can’t Federal Government legalize, illegal refineries and promote modular refineries in the Oil producing areas?

A stich in time will save our nine

Comrade Gbenga Olowoyo fcia fipma JP is a Trade Unionist and industrial relations practitioner

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