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15 Years old Accident Victim Who Suffers Head Injury Needs Funds For Brain Surgery

…as Health personnel says teen’s life depends on Brain Surgery

A 15-year-old accident victim who suffered a head injury has called on members of the public to fund his brain surgery, which is his only means of survival.

ROUNDOFFNEWS gathered that the teenage boy, Tunde Musibau, a student of Egirioke High School Iyin Ekiti, was coming from school on the 26th of November 2023; tired of walking, he waved down a Hilux mini truck vehicle to help him get home quickly. Tragedy struck when the young Tunde fell off the fast-moving car and hit his head on the tarred road whilst breaking his hands and legs as well.

He was rushed to the Ekiti State Teaching Hospital in Ado Ekiti, where he was admitted on emergency. Tunde’s condition grew worse as the fall affected a part of his head and also resulted into his hands broken.

The 15-year-old was revived through the use of oxygen, which is still in use as of the time of this report. But young Tunde at present is not only going through physical pains, but the fall has almost affected his brain, and a brain surgery is needed, or else he will be permanently retarded or lose his life completely, according to medical persons.

Tunde’s father, Mr Musibau Kareem, who was visibly distraught when reporters visited him at the Ekiti State Teaching Hospital, explained that he has exhausted all his resources since the accident occurred, thereby finding it very difficult to buy the prescribed drugs for his son.

Also, the father noted that Tunde’s condition made him sell his land since he cannot afford to watch his son suffer in pains, but now it seems the medical bills kept piling up, thereby making it difficult for him to offset.

Asked if he has called for help, Mr Musibau said the Oluyin of Iyin Ekiti, Oba Ajakaiye, sent him 50 thousand naira, and Egirioke High School, where the boy schooled, also sent some amount of money to them. Still, all has been spent on drugs and tests, which were quite expensive.

He maintained that Tunde’s life has been sustained on oxygen since his admission, and he has exhausted all possible means of getting money to pay for the surgery.

Mr Musibau said letters were written to Governor Oyebanji, His wife and even Honorable Israel Adesokan, but up till now, he has not received any message from them.

“We went to the office of the first lady to appeal for her help, but we were stopped when her aides told us we would never get any help from her”. As for Honorable Israel Adesokan, he told us the window for help has closed for this year”, the tearful father concluded.

Mr. Tunde Musibau, a carpenter said since he sold his land and has spent every Kobo, he finds it difficult to even buy the least of the drugs let alone the money for the brain surgery.

“Tunde was even referred to the Federal Medical Centre, Owo but lack of funds didn’t allow us to move him down for further treatment. I have been going on the streets to beg; sometimes, people give us 1000 or at most, 3000, which we still use to buy drugs. I can’t bear to look at him in his present condition”.

“I am begging and appealing to Ekiti people and Nigerians at large to help my son; I don’t want him to die. The doctors said if the surgery is not done soonest, we may lose him. I have done everything within my power but his condition is getting worse daily. I don’t want Tunde to die. Nigerians should help me save my son”, the tearful father said.

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